The learning of the clinical knowledge and skills intensifies particularly from the middle of 3rd curricular year in distinct clinical clerkships. The strategic approach in the clinical clerkships promotes the acquisition of the clinical skills through practice embedded in the context of healthcare and, in parallel, through consolidation and integration of theoretical concepts relevant for clinical practice. Each student, or group of students - from 1 to 5 - learns the medical profession in affiliated healthcare institutions within the region, under the supervision of a clinical tutor. The learning is complemented by thematic seminars and cases discussion at the School of Medicine. At the end of all the Clerkships students are expected to have developed the knowledge and the clinical abilities to enter any national “General Internship/Residence Program” or any international equivalent program.
This model is enriched by the diversity of experiences provided by a multicentre organizational model, which makes that each student trains in various Healthcare Services and Institutions throughout the medical degree - from large urban Hospitals to Health Centres in rural areas. Clinical learning takes place in different scenarios (Inpatient nurseries, Outpatient Consultation, Emergency department, Surgical Unit, Day Hospital).
This model allows the acquisition, training and development of communication skills with patients and with healthcare professionals, promoting the learning of professionalism in real contexts. The Clerkships included in the study plan - Medicine, Health Center (General and Family Medicine and Public Health), Surgery, Maternal and Child Health and Clinical Neurosciences – are complemented by two weeks of “Optional Residency”, that create opportunities for exploration of new scenarios and learning contexts, through the selection of specific clerkships and/or distinct healthcare institutions.
Knowledge, clinical skills and professionalism are assessed. In every clerkship, there are five components in the assessment process:
1. Professionalism and clinical performance - These elements are collected and rated by clinical tutors based on assessment grids adapted from instruments developed at “Jefferson Medical College";
2. History taking and physical examination of a patient - held at the end of each clerkship - it is a summative test evaluated by a clinical jury;
3. Periodic written tests and "integrated" written test at the end of the Residency.