It is mainly applied in "Option Projects”. Each “Option Project” is an opportunity for each student to develop a work according to his/her choice.
The introduction of these areas in the study plan of the Medical degree pursues the following objectives:
a) lead the student to an effort of reflection, both about himself (aspirations and interests) and on the experience of medical practice;
b) reinforce the student's awareness that he/she is the builder of his/her own training, providing students the satisfaction and the responsibility to do what they like;
c) give the student a diversified experience in topics and domains that are not part of the “mandatory” curriculum, but which are of great importance for the medical training and personal development;
d) prepare the student for providing written reports and for oral communication of their projects;
e) stimulate students’ mobility.
At the end of each "Option Project”, an "Internal Congress" is organized; typically it takes place during the last days of the academic year. Each student prepares in advance a written report and also an oral presentation of his/her work, directed to their classmates and teachers at the school; the presentation at the Congress is followed by a general discussion.
The assessment elements includes:
i. Rating assigned by the supervisor of the work on the host institution;
ii. Oral Classification (Presentation + Discussion)
iii. Classification of the written report.