Critical factors in lung morphogenesis, repair and fibrosis
Sandra Costa, University of Minho, Portugal

3D models to unraveling lung biology: from development to diseases
Darcy E. Wagner, Lund University, Sweden

Pulmonary macrophage phenotypic and metabolic alterations during ILD
Adam J. Byrne, Imperial College London, UK

Innate regulation of granulomatous inflammation in sarcoidosis
Agostinho Carvalho, University of Minho, Portugal

Current challenges in ILD diagnosis and management
António Morais, University of Porto, Portugal

Clues for the heterogeneity in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: the role of human genetics and disease biomarkers to predict outcomes
Maria Molina Molina, University of Barcelona, Spain

Recent developments towards personalized medicine in interstitial lung diseases
Toby Maher, Imperial College London, UK

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