All participants of da Vinci® robotic surgery training will be trained in the following:

- How to do proper operative room setup of da Vinci® robot
- How to do patient preparation and positioning in robotic surgery
- Fundamentals of da Vinci® Surgical System components and instrumentation
- Learn robotic tissue dissection techniques using monopolar and bipolar energy in robotic surgery
- Training of intra-corporeal suturing and knot tying by da Vinci® robot
- Learn "tricks of the trade" tips for efficient robotic surgery

Operative Procedures Covered in Robotic and 3D Surgery Training for Urologists (September 4-5, 2019)

- Nephrectomy
- Partial nephrectomy
- Ureteropyeloplasty
- Cystectomy
- Pelvic lymphadenectomy
- Adrenalectomy
- Ureteral implantation
- Prostatectomy

Operative Procedures Covered in Robotic and 3D Surgery Training for General Surgeons (September 6-7, 2019)

- Gastric bypass
- Nissen Fundoplication
- Heller myotomy
- Gastrectomy
- Colon Resection
- Hemi-Colectomy
- Sigmoidectomy
- Splenectomy
- Pyloroplasty
- Gastroplasty
- Appendectomy
- Bowel Resection
- Liver Resection
- Cholecystectomy
- Hernia repair