Hip pathology is highly frequent in young adults, in sports medicine. Arthroscopic surgery can help addressing a wide amount of that pathology. Indications have been continuously extended to treat a wide spectrum of pathologies. Labral tears, chondral lesions, bony deformity and hip impingement are among the intra-articular problems that can be corrected. On the extra-articular side, snapping hip, gluteus tendinopathy, piriformis syndrome and sciatic nerve compression are some of that can be treated.

In this course, inside-out, outside-in and peripheral compartment approaches will be practiced. The most frequent techniques for arthroscopic treatment will be discussed and put into practice. Top experts in the field will provide the most up-to-date perspectives about the possibilities of arthroscopic hip surgery.

This course does not provide credentials for the exercise of medicine for those without appropriate training, recognition and registered at the "Ordem dos Médicos" or international equivalent institutions..​