While immunometabolism has long been recognized as important during an immune response, over the last decade there has been a keen interest in the identification of the players that provide the link between immune and metabolic responses in health and disease. Understanding the mmune-metabolic interface is essential for our ability to understand and treat multiple diseases, as alterations in the metabolic state of the cells underlies the development and pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular, neurological, infectious diseases, and cancer. However, the plasticity and polarization of immune responses is also accompanied by a metabolic adaptation that is crucial to the prevention or resolution of infectious diseases and inflammatory responses. Therefore, a greater understanding of the molecular and cellular pathways governing the immunological-metabolic crosstalk may provide opportunities for novel immunotherapeutic interventions to metabolic, autoimmune and inflammatory disorders.
The course “Immunometabolism: from basics to therapy” will explore and discuss the importance of metabolism in the function of immune cells and the mechanisms whereby the microbiome or the pathophysiology of infectious and neurological diseases, and cancer shape immune cell metabolomics.
From the innate to the acquired immune response, from basic research to therapy, the aim of this course is to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and healthcare providers in a collaborative and interactive environment to exchange and share their experience and research results on all aspects of immunometabolism.
This course does not provide credentials for the exercise of medicine for those without appropriate training, recognition and registered at the "Ordem dos Médicos" or international equivalent institutions.