Título da Tese Autor Supervisores
Impact of dexamethasone in the Enteric Nervous System Fátima Marques Ramalhosa Nuno Jorge Carvalho de Sousa
Ana Raquel Franky Gomes Carvalho
Fate of the earliest retinal ganglion cells during development of the visual system Célia Márcia Azevedo Soares Joana Almeida Santos Pacheco Palha
Carol Mason
Role of the Scheimpflug-based lens densitometry in preoperative assessment of age-related nuclear cataracts Fernando António Faria Correia Jorge Manuel Nunes Correia Pinto
Renato Ambrósio Júnior
Identification of human and pathogen molecular variants associated to tuberculosis heterogeneity Hélder Novais e Bastos Margarida Sofia Santos Saraiva
Rui Manuel Rosário Sarmento Castro
Massive rotator cuff tendon tears - a biologic and regenerative approach Nuno Eduardo Sevivas Sousa António José Braga Osório Gomes Salgado
João Duarte Coelho Sameiro Espregueira Mendes
Control of Streptococcus pneumoniae Virulence by Manipulation of the Genetic Sequence of Virulence Factor Pneumolysin Fábio André Eleutério Amaral Adam J. Ratner
Fernando José Santos Rodrigues