Alberto Vázquez
Alberto Vázquez
Dr Alberto Vazquez is a Specialist in Reproductive Surgery at the fertility clinics IVI Barcelona and IVI Madrid in Spain. He is Professor of Laparoscopic Gynaecology at IRCAD, Research Institute Against Digestive Cancer, Strasbourg, France, and has given lectures in many national and international courses and Congresses. In addition, Dr Vazquez is the author of book chapters related to endoscopic and reproductive surgery and the reviewer of International Medical Journals.
Eric Leblanc
Eric Leblanc
Head of the Department of Gynecologic Oncology - Centre Oscar Lambret Cancer Center- Lille - France. Past president (2009-2013) and Member of the French Society of Gynecologic Oncology. Past council member (2004-2007) and member of the European Society of Gynecologic Oncology. Member of the French Society of Pelvic Surgery since 2002. Since 1990, more than 150 papers in national and international journals with review committee as well as numerous book chapters. Research Investigator in numerous national and international studies. Promotor in National research programs. Areas of interest: i) Fertility preservation, ii) Radical and reconstructive surgery, iii) Laparoscopic surgery.
Coordinator of Gynecological Endoscopy, Hospital Universitario La Fe de Valencia, since june 2007. Director of the European Gynecology Endoscopy School (E.G.E.S-Valencia), since november 2003 ( Coordinator of the endoscopic group of the “Sociedad de Obstetricia y Ginecología de la Comunidad Valenciana”, since 2008. Member of the research group of Reproductive Medicine of the hospital Universitario La Fe de Valencia. Director of the Department Maternoinfantil of the General Universitary Hospital of Valencia, since may 2012.
Nicolas Bourdel
Nicolas Bourdel
Pr Nicolas Bourdel currently works at the Pôle Gynécologie obstétrique et reproduction humaine, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Clermont-Ferrand. Nicolas does research in Endometriosis, Cancer Research, Gynaecology and Oncology. Their current project is "Augmented reality and laparoscopy.