Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has recently arrived to the hepatic and pancreatic surgical field. Laparoscopy, the percutaneous approach, interventional endoscopy and US guided procedures are gaining more and more indications. At present there is a clear advantage in treatment of both benign and malignant HPB diseases whenever these techniques can be used. From the step-up approach in acute pancreatitis to MIS strategies for tumours in the liver and pancreas, this course aims to systematise indications and the implementation of new techniques. The program will include theoretical presentations, discussion of clinical cases, videos, and at least 50% of the time is designated for hands-on practice in porcine and ex-vivo models. Trainees will be introduced to laparoscopy, flexible endoscopy, transparietal and intra-operative US. This is a course with a minimal-access surgeon concept in the HPB field.
This course does not provide credentials for the exercise of medicine for those without appropriate training, recognition and registered at the "Ordem dos Médicos" or international equivalent institutions.