Título da Tese / Thesis Title |
Autor / Author |
Orientadores / Supervisors |
 | A Multicenter Study of Singleton Placentas Biometric Parameters and Fetal Weight in Function of Gestational-Age | Rosete Maria Amorim Novais Nogueira Cardoso | Jorge Manuel Nunes Correia Pinto Maria da Purificação Tavares
| Characterization of CD8 tissue-resident memory T cells in the salivary gland and the impact of MCMV infection on T cell recruitment and retention | Sofia Caldeira Dantas | Margarida Correia Neves Christopher Snyder
 | Determinants of treatment success in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | António Manuel da Silva Duarte de Araújo | António Jaime Botelho Correia de Sousa Venceslau José Coelho Pinto Hespanhol
| Development of Endourology basic skills curriculum for urologists in training | Domenico Veneziano | Estevão Augusto Rodrigues de Lima
 | Directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into mature lung epithelium in-vitro | Ana Luísa Rodrigues Toste de Carvalho | Jorge Manuel Nunes Correia Pinto Hans-Willem Snoeck
| Endocrine homeostasis and healthy ageing - a comparative study based on distinctive cognitive population patterns
| André Filipe Couto de Carvalho | Joana Almeida Santos Pacheco Palha Nuno Jorge Carvalho der Sousa