Título da Tese / Thesis Title |
Autor / Author |
Orientadores / Supervisors |
 | Assessing the therapeutic role of the secretome from mesenchymal stromal cells in genetic models of Parkinson's Disease based on the overexpression of alpha-synuclein | Cláudia Raquel Ferreira Marques | António José Braga Osório Gomes Salgado Rui Pedro Romero Amandi de Sousa
| Characterization of a wearable monitoring system of physical activity as a surrogate of brain structure and function in older populations | Célia Margarida Viegas Domingos | Nadine Correia Santos José Miguel Gomes Moreira Pêgo
 | Chronic pain impact on decision-making - the role of the mesocorticolimbic system | Ana Margarida Ferreira da Cunha | Hugo Miguel do Vale Leite Santos de Almeida
| Cognitive and emotional regulation in stress and obsessive-compulsive disorder | Sónia Maria Gomes de Amaral Ferreira | Pedro Ricardo Luís Morgado José Miguel Gomes Moreira Pêgo
 | Development of a novel nanoparticle-antibody based product for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by lab-on-chip diagnostic platforms | Teresa Raquel Guerra Barroso | Paulo Jorge Peixeiro de Freitas Jose Rivas Rey Jorge Manuel Rolo Pedrosa |
| Development of vascularizable hydrogels to promote spinal cord injury repair: from RGD to mimetic ligands | Luís António Ferreira Rocha | António José Braga Osório Gomes Salgado David Learmonth
 | Immunometabolic crosstalk between host and pathogen: unveiling novel therapeutic approaches for visceral leishmaniasis | Carolina Alves Ferreira | Ricardo Jorge Leal Silvestre David Alexander Learmonth
| Individual performance in cognitive aging and deficit prevention by cognitive training in the rat: integration of structural, molecular and functional correlates | Cristina de Fátima Sousa da Mota | João José Fernandes Cardoso Araújo Cerqueira João Carlos Cruz Sousa
 | Molecular Therapies to Repair the Injured Spinal Cord | Rui Augusto Ribeiro Lima | Nuno André Martins da Silva Luísa Alexandra Meireles Pinto
| Phenotypical and molecular determinants of antimicrobial resistance: the evolutionary model of streptomycin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis | Deisy Mara Gomes da Cruz Rocha Silva | Nuno Miguel Sampaio Osório Margarida Sofia da Silva Santos Saraiva
 | Risk factors associated with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis transmission in Portugal | Olena Radomska Oliveira | Teresa Sofia Teixeira Rito Raquel de Almeida Ferreira Duarte Bessa de Melo Maria Margarida Teles de Vasconcelos Correia Neves |
| Suppression of Machado-Joseph disease pathogenesis by serotonergic signalling:the contribution of serotonin receptors | Joana Catarina Pereira de Sousa | Andreia Cristiana Teixeira de Castro Luísa Alexandra Meireles Pinto
 | Surgical navigation system for percutaneous renal access: electromagnetic guidance and imaging working together | João Luís Gomes da Fonseca | Estevão Augusto Rodrigues de Lima João Luís Araújo Martins Vilaça
| The crosstalk between immune mediatorsand cognition | Cláudia Sofia Serre Miranda | Maria Margarida Teles de Vasconcelos Correia Neves Joana Almeida Santos Pacheco Palha
 | The human brain connectome in aging: MRI biomarkers of cognitive preservation and decline | Ana Isabel de Araújo Coelho | Nuno Jorge Carvalho de Sousa